Sun Burst

About This Episode

Downtown Orlando Florida late 1800s


The Orlando Guy acknowledges the exhaustive work of Joy Wallace Dickinson (Facebook:, Orlando historian and author of “Orlando City of Dreams” (Purchase:, which served as the foundational research and blueprint for this episode.

The History of Orlando Part One covers the years 1843 to 1857 and the building of the town of Jernigan that would later become Orlando.

This episode shows how Orange County grew based on the passing of the Armed Occupation Act of 1842 and the settlement of early American pioneers to the area. Aaron Jernigan is the long-forgotten first settler to the area which became Orlando. At first the area was named after him, but other powerful interests played a part in making the town into the city we know today as Orlando.

James Gamble Speer played a large role in helping to move the seat of Orange County seat to what was then the small town of Jernigan. He also has a role in why the city changed it’s name, although no clear records exist to prove the origin of the change.

If you would like to learn more about the fascinating history of Orlando, visit the Orange County Regional History Center in downtown Orlando.

Location: Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E Central Blvd, Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 836-8500

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