Sun Burst

About This Episode

Walt Disney World Opening Day
Walt Disney World Opening Day


The Orlando Guy acknowledges Chad Denver Emerson, author of “Project Future: The Inside Story Behind the Creation of Disney World” (Purchase:, which served as the foundational research and blueprint for this episode.

Examining the History of Orlando would not be complete without discovering how Walt Disney World came to Orlando. It might surprise you to know that Orlando was not Walt’s first choice for building an East coast project.

After researching and considering proposals from New York, St. Louis, Kansas City, Palm Beach and Marceline, Disney finally decided to build in Orlando, Florida. The history of Walt Disney World and the history of Orlando are eternally intertwined after the announcement was made on November 15, 1965. Since that date, Orlando was forever changed and the modern era of Orlando becoming a major metropolitan city and becoming the theme park capital of the world began. This Walt Disney World documentary will answer the question: How did Walt Disney World come to Orlando?