Sun Burst

About This Episode

Orange County Courthouse


The Orlando Guy acknowledges the exhaustive work of Joy Wallace Dickinson (Facebook:, Orlando historian and author of “Orlando City of Dreams” (Purchase:, which served as the foundational research and blueprint for this episode.

The History of Orlando covers the years from 1857 through 1875 when the Town of Orlando was incorporated. Orlando evolved from a Seminole War army fort village named Jernigan, and survived the Civil War years of debilitating poverty, notorious family feuds that threatened to tear apart the fabric of the tiny town, to finally getting help from some wealthy and benevolent citizens. The story of the county courthouses built in Orlando parallels the changes in attitudes of the residents and the path the city would take to become the seat of Orange County.

The city of Orlando has had its share of adversity and triumphs. With the dawn of the Golden Age (1875 through 1895), Orlando was ready to move forward into a new century confident in its future.

If you would like to learn more about the fascinating history of Orlando, visit the Orange County Regional History Center in downtown Orlando.

Location: Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E Central Blvd, Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 836-8500

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